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He says the most frequently asked questions he gets from straight men are: “Will it be painful?” “Will it be messy?” and “Does this make me gay?” We’ll get into this more later, but the answers to those burning questions are: it shouldn't be, not necessarily, and no, of course not.ĭr. Charlie Glickman, PhD, who literally wrote the book on prostate pleasure to explain just how to enjoy this under-appreciated erogenous zone. So, I talked with Sex and Relationships coach Dr. Let’s focus on the how.Įven though people have been sticking various and sundry items up their b-holes for centuries-google “Moche ceramics anal sex” or “ancient Rome butt stuff”-in more recent history, it hasn’t been as common for straight men to partake. Science is currently trying to figure out why so-called prostate orgasms feel so intense-but, frankly, the why is unimportant. Sometimes referred to as the “male G-spot” the prostate can deliver next-level orgasms when it’s properly stimulated. For those with penises, it can be especially enjoyable, thanks to the special little walnut-shaped mass of nerves called the prostate situated under the bladder that you can “access” if you go in through the backdoor. In what’s been a great development for butt-enjoyers everywhere, anal sex is now a lot less taboo than it used to be.

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